Artist Residence Concepts

Garden Plan A

Artist Garden Plan Option A

This option explores an outdoor dining area with communal table and vined shade trellis. The typical suburban tract back yard is repurposed to serve the family needs.  The dining area and trellis will be a comfortable place for seasonal outdoor meals, Planted with grape vines it will provide both shade and refreshment. Nearby vegetables will provide food for the family and local beneficial insects.  The privacy hedge will separate neighboring yards but sill allow for good neighbor communications from the upper deck.  Kitchen compost has a place in the corner and the family pup has a dedicated area. A new stair links the deck to the lower yard providing a comfortable place to sit and observe the garden.

Garden Plan option b

Artist Garden Plan Option B

In this option dining remains on the upper deck close to the kitchen. The backyard space is developed with an island to create a sense of infinity.  The extents of the garden cannot be perceived in the lower area.  Tall bamboo and small trees provide vertical screening and seasonal interest.  The owner will locate a variety of small scale sculptures and found objects in the garden to increase the sense of discovery and mystery.